What if…


Mom would tell me that “if” was the biggest word in the world!
What if…
The word itself, only two letters yet brings with it gigantic proportions of:

  • Regret… “what if I hadn’t done…” or “… had done…” “Can I get a do over?”
  • Possibilities… “What if I go for it and it works or happens or does the trick?!”
  • Options… There is a choice to make and some decisions to think through. If I do this… or If I do that…

The choices we make will have certain affects on our life and future for sure.

These stir the imagination and our faith, right?

With Easter here I cannot help but think, “What if…”

What would the world be like if Jesus didn’t come?
What would people do to become right with a Holy God?

What if Jesus did come but didn’t die on the cross, maybe just spoke really good stuff, do some good deeds then lived to be an old guy and just died…

What if there was no cross for Jesus to bear or the resurrection?
Hmmm, that cross?

The Resurrection?!

But then again, What IF He really did come and live an amazingly perfect life, spoke brilliance from Heaven, healed the blind and the sick, set people free from demons, ate with sinners and forgave sins. What IF this marvelous man died a criminals death though He was without sin!
What if after he was buried in a tomb, He actually did rise from the dead!

What if…
Jesus made a way for sinners to be made right before a Holy God by accepting the just punishment for our sins!

What if…
Jesus defeated the greatest foe we face, death, thus proving everything He said, true!

Jesus said things like: I have come to set the captives free, give sight to the blind, bring peace and joy, even life abundant. All who believe in me though he dies will live forever!

What IF it’s all true!

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:26-27)

I believe this, do you?

Today I will decide to live by faith.

“Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrew 11:6)

Have a great Easter celebration.

He has risen, He has risen indeed!